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Altitude sleep preparation for the 2024 Ironman World Championship

Altitude sleep preparation for the 2024 Ironman World Championship
Three month altitude training program for Ironman

Designing an altitude program for ironman athletes, specifically in preparation for the Kona Ironman World Championship, requires strategic planning and careful consideration of each phase of training. This is due to the intense amount of training required to be at the level for the world championships. 

Here's how you can structure a three-month training program in the lead up to Kona:

Month 1 - Acclimatisation
Begin the first month with a gradual introduction to high-altitude training. Focus on getting your body accustomed to the decreased oxygen levels by starting at a moderate altitude and gradually increasing the elevation.

By focusing on a gradual acclimatisation, you're setting up your aerobic base while incorporating specific strength and endurance work, prioritising nutrition and hydration. The first month sets the stage for a successful altitude training program leading into the Kona Ironman World Championship.

Months 2 and 3 - Maintenance 
As you move into months 2 and 3, maintaining your fitness level, fine-tuning your preparations, and ensuring optimal recovery and readiness for the event will be key components to maximise your performance on race day. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on optimising your altitude training program for Ironman athletes, feel free to ask for assistance. 

Duration per day
Aim to use the altitude system for 8-10 hours during the first few nights. It's better to reduce the altitude rather than decrease the time you have done in the altitude environment.

We recommend continuously tracking while you're asleep, heart rate, and blood oxygen content which can be stored on the Box Altitude Pro app. We recommend having your blood oxygen content between 96-92% and your heart rate not increase more than 5-10% of your normal heart rate while asleep, even when you're getting acclimatised to altitude. 

Altitude sleep program
We recommend having an initial blood test to ensure you have enough iron in order to make the most efficient blood cells possible. The majority of people who have a muted response to altitude have lower than usual iron stores. 

The initial 30-40 hours of your altitude sleep program are fundamental to ensuring its success. Adhering to the following guidelines will help you acclimatise effectively, avoiding sleep disturbances and optimising performance gains.

Ironman Sleep Protocol - Month 1 


Final thoughts
It's great to see that you're taking a proactive approach to acclimatising to high-altitude environments. Transitioning to a higher altitude can significantly impact sleep patterns and overall well-being, so it's essential to prioritise a gradual adjustment process for your body to acclimate effectively.

Here are some additional tips to support your transition to high-altitude sleeping:

1. Stay hydrated
Proper hydration is crucial at higher altitudes to combat the effects of decreased humidity. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, which can contribute to sleep disturbances.

2. Monitor your oxygen levels
On our app we allow wearables to log blood oxygen content. This way you can easily check what your body is doing throughout the night. This can help you assess how well your body is adapting to the altitude and identify any potential issues.

3. Allow for adequate rest
Adjusting to high altitudes may require more rest than usual as your body expends extra energy due to the decrease in oxygen levels. Listen to your body and ensure you're giving yourself enough time to rest and recover.

4. Maintain a consistent sleep routine
Establishing a regular sleep schedule can help regulate your body's internal clock and improve your sleep quality at altitude. Aim for a consistent bedtime and wake-up time to promote better rest.

5. Everyone is different
Remember that individual responses to high altitude can vary, so it's essential to be attentive to your body's signals and adjust your routine as needed. If you encounter persistent challenges or have specific concerns about your high-altitude program, don't hesitate to seek guidance from medical professionals with expertise in altitude-related issues.

Good luck with your acclimatisation process, and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further support!

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